Saturday, October 29, 2011


Doesn't this shot say it all? Sorry to raunch up blog again but I couldn't resist. Hey, I covered the eyes!
Remember leaning against a wall for hours wondering how much cardboard water (beer) you have left before strolling back to the bar? Remember 'haunts', guys that wouldn't stop cruising you no matter how many times you moved? Remember... bars? Or at least cruising in bars. Michael Musto said that NY bars are just filled with johns that just don't know that they are johns yet. Gays do go to bars, but it's in groups with friends. Nobody goes out to a bar alone looking to get laid. The only other people in gay bars now are drinkers - serious drinkers. 2 am in a Gay bar is just a lot of drunks. It's true and I'm sorry it's old news.

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